I do a lot of stuff. Here’s some other stuff I’ve done (the titles are links to those things):

Yuletide Gothic

Christmas music is the backbone of American society. Just kidding—but it is emblematic of it. It is the product of something that has been bastardized beyond any meaning by capitalism and for capitalism. What makes so much of it feel uniquely American is that we have taken this weird husk of a thing and pumped it full of hope and nostalgia to the point it no longer feels hollow. Buying a million gifts is special, and wholesome, and lovely, and many Christmas traditions are the same. I love Christmas and I love Christmas music, despite not having any religious connection or history with it. Here is a send-up and love letter to secular Christmas music that I wrote and recorded in 5 days with my good friend Ryn Collins, whose other, much better music you can listen to here. Their voice is the better one on the album, if you’d like to listen to them.

Non-photographic Handmade 2D Art

I am not great at drawing, but I do have some semblance of “style” and sometimes find it rewarding and even necessary to do art in this way. On this page you can look at some work I’ve done with painting, sketching, collage, intaglio, and possibly other techniques, who knows, that did enough for me emotionally to want to share it. (admission: There will be some of my photography in here; I’ve done some stuff with painting and drawing that didn’t quite feel appropriate to share elsewhere.)


I’ve made a glossary for my blog that I hope someone will find useful.